Restoration of lake water body

CREATE_TIME:2019-01-15 VIEWS:494

1. Algal blooms

2. Turbid water with low transparency

3. Fish death

4. Imperfect ecosystem

Guided by limnology and restoration ecology, based on the theory of steady-state transformation, with biological manipulation as the main body, and integrated with physicochemical microorganism auxiliary measures, a series of ecological technologies can complete the steady-state transformation and realize the stable, long-term and self-operation of the clearwater-type ecosystem. Finally, the algal type water body is transformed into grass type water body.

1) physical measures: dredging of sediment, covering of sediment, mechanical algal removal and manual salvage, aeration and reoxygenation, water diversion and dilution, mechanical filtration, ultraviolet algal removal and ultrasonic algal removal;

2) chemical measures: chemical flocculation for phosphorus removal, chemical flocculation for algae removal;

3) biological measures: microbial biopromotion preparation, microbial enzyme preparation, bionic membrane purification technology, artificial wetland purification technology, and ecosystem construction technology.

Product Recommendation

  • 1 Highly efficient COD degrade microorganisms

    1 Highly efficient COD degrade microorganisms

  • 2 Salt-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

    2 Salt-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

  • 3 Low temperature-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

    3 Low temperature-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

  • Harmless sludge disposal system(HTC)

    Harmless sludge disposal system(HTC)

  • 4 Ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    4 Ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 5 Salt-tolerant amminia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    5 Salt-tolerant amminia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 6 Low temperature-tolerant ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    6 Low temperature-tolerant ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 7 Total nitrogen removal microorganisms

    7 Total nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 8 Oil-degrade microorganisms

    8 Oil-degrade microorganisms

  • 9 Sludge reduction microorganisms

    9 Sludge reduction microorganisms
