Management and maintenance of sewage and wastewater projects

CREATE_TIME:2019-05-30 VIEWS:532


Relying on years of engineering experiences and strong technical team, LLMO  provides comprehensive operation maintenance or regular technical guidance &other services for various sewage treatment stations.

2.Scope of application

(1) Enterprises which plan to entrust the operation and maintenance of sewage stations to professional environmental protection companies;

(2) Enterprises which plan to seek professional environmental protection companies to provide technical support for the operation and maintenance of sewage stations.

3.Benefits of Trusteeship Operation and Maintenance

(1) Maximize treatment efficiency of sewage station;

(2) Save the trouble or hidden trouble caused by substandard sewage;

(3) The management cost of the enterprise is saved to some extent.

Product Recommendation

  • 1 Highly efficient COD degrade microorganisms

    1 Highly efficient COD degrade microorganisms

  • 2 Salt-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

    2 Salt-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

  • 3 Low temperature-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

    3 Low temperature-tolerant COD degrade microorganisms

  • Harmless sludge disposal system(HTC)

    Harmless sludge disposal system(HTC)

  • 4 Ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    4 Ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 5 Salt-tolerant amminia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    5 Salt-tolerant amminia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 6 Low temperature-tolerant ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

    6 Low temperature-tolerant ammonia nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 7 Total nitrogen removal microorganisms

    7 Total nitrogen removal microorganisms

  • 8 Oil-degrade microorganisms

    8 Oil-degrade microorganisms

  • 9 Sludge reduction microorganisms

    9 Sludge reduction microorganisms
